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Students-agrarians conquered Mountains of the Caucasian range


Among the traditional events "Watches of Memory" in honor of the Great Victory Day a special place is occupied by mountain hikes. Tourists go to places of battle for the passes of the Caucasus, where from the summer of 1942 to the autumn of 1943 fierce battles unfolded, the result of which was the defeat of parts of the German troops.

This year, ten students and teachers of SSAU made a ten-day trek of the second category of complexity on Teberda-Arkhyz route. The conductor and instructor was the Candidate in masters of sport on mountain tourism, Senior Teacher of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Head of the Tourist Club SSAU Igor Lyashov.

Day after day, the pass behind the pass the guys went through the warpaths. On the way there were old, half-ruined German barracks, bars, behind which were kept prisoners.

The route of the hike, though harsh and complex, is beautiful and unique with its unusual beauty: the clearest water in turbulent rivers, wild flowers, a bright carpet covering the earth, mountain tops and even bad weather - all these memories will remain with the participants forever. In the campaign, they acquired the necessary survival skills in the extreme conditions of a sport tourist hike in the highlands.

"Such events undoubtedly contribute to strengthening the sense of pride and respect for the exploits of veterans," said Igor Lyashov, the head of the campaign. - The policy of Rector's office of our University is always aimed not only at the professional training of future specialists, but also at involving learners in the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of the region and the country, the education of true patriots of their native land. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.05.2018 18:15:29
Номер новости для фото:  1

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