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Representatives of the State Agrarian University have taken part in the international conference


May 15-17 2018 the XIX International Conference of the World Poultry Research Association (WPRA) "World and Russian Trends in Poultry Development: Realities and Challenges of the Future" was held in Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region.The WPRA was founded in 1912. Its mission is to compile and disseminate information on poultry farming. There are in 80 offices around the world 7800 members and 277 members in Russia. According to Dr. Rula Mulder, General Secretary of the Association, the Russian branch of the WPRA is one of the most active that characterizes Russian poultry farming as a global player in the world poultry market . The Russian Federation for the production of meat and bird eggs occupies the IV and VI places respectively.The moderator of the event was Vladimir Fisinin, President of the Russian branch of WPRA, President of Russian Poultry Union, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The conference was attended by more than 200 people from 23 countries, including the Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Irina Donnik, the Head of the Department for Coordination and Support of the Agricultural Sciences Vugar Bagirov, the President of "ISA Hendrix Genetics", Tais Hendricks, the Professor of the Madrid Potitecnic University Mateos Gonzalis and others.It was noted that world poultry farming is the most science-intensive and dynamic branch of the agro-industrial complex. It is projected that further growth in eggs and poultry meat will take place against the backdrop of limited land, water and energy resources. In the Russian Federation, the main strategies are deep processing of eggs and poultry meat, accelerated breeding of poultry based on the achievements of biotechnology, development of fundamentally new approaches to bird nutrition, increasing the efficiency of poultry reproduction by technological methods.The report "Introduction of a bacteriological preparation into the litter during the cultivation of broiler chickens" was made by the Professor of the Department of Private Zootechny, Breeding and Breeding of Animals of SSAU, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Elena Yepimakhova. The presented work became possible due to mutually beneficial cooperation of our university and Agrokormservis Plus LLC, Bio Scientific and Technical Center and Ceresco Nutrition (Canada). The accent was made on improvement of zoogenic conditions of poultry keeping with prolonged technology is the guarantee of maximum realization of the genetic potential of poultry of highly productive cross-country lines and obtaining products that meet the requirements of the FoodNet market.

Дата новости для фото:  18.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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