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At the Agrarian University the issues of innovative technologies in the veterinary and food industries were examined

Technological Management of the Stavropol State University in the framework of the 83rd Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Agrarian Science - North Caucasus Federal District".
A distinctive feature in comparison with earlier scientific events of this format was the interdisciplinary character of the reports on topical issues reflecting the breakthrough segments of the FOOD NET market presented in the Roadmap for the transformation of the Stavropol State University into the University Center for Innovative and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory.
The beginning of the conference was preceded by familiarization with the exhibition exposition of the scientific achievements and works of the teaching staff of the faculties, as well as the samples of unmanned aerial vehicles used in the implementation of the grant of the Federal Target Program of the Russian Federation by the scientists of our university "Development and implementation of an innovative methodology for the application of aerospace technologies for accelerated development of pasture livestock Eurasian Economic Union" in cooperation with the industrial partner OOO " New technology of telecommunications ".
In his welcoming speech to the conference participants, the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovation Work, Professor Vitaly Morozov emphasized the social importance of implementing priority activities that our university considers innovative and economically viable when implementing the FOOD NET market concept.
About the state and prospects of livestock development in the Stavropol Territory told the head of the Livestock, Fisheries and Breeding Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory Ivan Kopylov.
Marina Selionova, Director of the branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Production of the North Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, informed the audience about the role of scientific support in the formation of the system of domestic livestock production.
As the development of the theme of the sheep industry problems was the report on the theme "The current state and prospects for the development of fine-wool sheep breeding in "Plemzavod Vtoraya pyatiletka" by the chairman of this farm, candidate of agricultural sciences Igor Serdyukov.
Deputy Director of the Institute of Living Systems of the North Caucasus Federal University, Doctor of Technical Sciences Alexey Lodygin detailed the application of the processes of deep fractionation and directional transformation of components of dairy raw materials in the technology of functional products.
One of the developers of the promising scientific direction of our university's activity, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Private Zootechnics and Animal Breeding Sergey Oleynik made a presentation "Application of methods for remote evaluation of nutritional value of feed in pasture livestock".
Speech of the Head of the Research and Development Department on Epizootology, Monitoring, Development and Technological Control of the “Stavropolskaya Biofactory”, Candidate of Biological Sciences Olga Gevlich on the subject: "The vaccines of the Stavropol biofabrik FKP under the basis of the modern specific prevention of viral diseases of animals and birds" also aroused keen interest of the audience.
In the final part of the plenary session, the winners and prize-winners of the 2nd stage of the annual All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists, as well as winners in the nomination "Discovery of the Year" and "Researcher-Practitioner" sectional sessions of the student scientific-practical conference "Young Agrarians of Stavropol".
In the final part of the plenary session, the winners and prize-winners of the 2nd stage of the annual All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists, as well as winners in the nomination "Discovery of the Year" and "Researcher-Practitioner" sectional sessions of the student scientific-practical conference "Young Agrarians of Stavropol" were honored.

Дата новости для фото:  24.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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