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An interuniversity webinar was held at the Stavropol State Agrarian University


Within the framework of the agreement on cooperation between Stavropol State Agrarian University and the St. Petersburg State Economic University, a webinar on "Monitoring and Evaluation of the Activities of Separate Structural Units" was held; it was organized by the Head of the Department of Auditing and Internal Control, Doctor of Economics, Professor of St. Petersburg State University Natalia Kamordzhanova.

The master class was given by Natalia Khmylova, Director of the Department for Internal Control (Auditing) of FGUP Russian Post. During her report, she spoke about the methodology for assessing the quality of management of separate structural divisions of the enterprise at various levels of communication. Practical examples presented stages of its implementation, as well as approaches to identifying systemic deficiencies.

From Stavropol SAU, the teachers of the departments of " Financial Accounting" and " Management Accounting" of the Accounting and Financial Faculty, the bachelors of the 3rd year of the profile "Accounting, Analysis and Auditing", the masters of the master program "Accounting, Analysis and Auditing" took part in the online seminar.

In addition, the participants of the event were such universities as Grodno State Agrarian University, Vologda State University, St. Petersburg State Economic University (Institute of Magistracy), Minsk Branch of the Russian Economic University named after GV. Plekhanov. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  12

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