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Agrarian University discussed new trends in agricultural technologies and food industry

On May 25, 2018, the 12th International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Technologies in Agriculture and Food Industry Using Electrophysical Factors and Ozone" was held at Stavropol State Agrarian University.
The international conference was organized by the staff of the Electric Power Department of SSAU and was held within the framework of the Program for the Transformation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University into the University Center for Innovative and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory.
The vice-rector for scientific and innovative work, Professor Vitaliy Morozov opened the conference. In his report, Vitaly Yurievich noted that the Stavropol Agrarian University was the first among the agrarian universities to be the winner of the project "Universities as centers of innovation creation" and the current scientific developments and recommendations of the conference participants will contribute to the further development of the region's innovative cluster.
The conference was attended by scientists from 5 countries: Russia, Slovakia, Armenia, Czech Republic and Azerbaijan, and from five regions of Russia: the republics of North Ossetia-Alania, Stavropol and Krasnodar Krays, Rostov and Volgograd regions.
Scientists and practitioners of more than 30 organizations, including 12 industrial enterprises, 3 foreign universities and 6 Russian educational institutions, 2 research institutes and research centers, as well as relevant ministries and departments, have shown great interest.
In total, the conference has submitted more than 100 articles, which are published in two volumes of the collection of scientific papers.
In addition, the strategic partners of the electric power faculty took part in the conference: the leading engineer of the branch of IDGC of North Caucasus - Stavropolenergo Alexey Milokhin, the head of the automated control systems department of the branch of IDGC of the North Caucasus, Stavropolenergo Karen Antonyan, the chief engineer of OJSC "Stavropolenergo" - "Shpakovsky Distribution Zone" Valentin Rosshchupkin, Chief Power Engineer of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Stavropolkrajvodokanal” Alexander Shulyakov and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lead Engineer of JSC “Electroautomatic” Vladimir Kovalenko.
At the end of the event, the pro-rector for educational and educational work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Ivan Atanov awarded the winners of the All-Russian competitions.
The grant for the sum of 300 thousand rubles of the All-Russian "Competition of Youth Projects - 2018" of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs "Rosmolodezh" (nomination "Support of student initiatives") was won by the students of the 3rd course of the Electric Power Department Kirill Kolesnikov and Georgy Digovtsov. The head is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Igor Devederkin.
Also, the winners in the nomination "Youth environmental projects" of the All-Russian grant competition "Youth Projects - 2018" were awarded to students Alexander Sergienko, Dmitry Fursov and Alexei Labyntsev. Their leaders are Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Physics Department Oksana Kopylova and Assistant of the Department of Physics Mikhail Afanasyev.
Also, the winners in the nomination "Youth environmental projects" of the All-Russian grant competition "Youth Projects - 2018" were awarded to students Alexander Sergienko, Dmitry Fursov and Alexei Labyntsev. Their leaders are Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Physics Oksana Kopylova and Assistant of the Department of Physics Mikhail Afanasyev.

Дата новости для фото:  28.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  17

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