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Introduction of advanced technologies in the practice of industry management


Accelerated development of animal husbandry is a priority scientific direction in the Stavropol State Agrarian University, and our scientists are always ready to share their accumulated knowledge with production workers. It was for this purpose that the professor of the Department of Private Zootechnics, Breeding and Animal Breeding, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sergey Alexandrovich Oleinik was engaged in the training for municipal servants of the region in the framework of advanced training courses in the educational program "Management of the Agriculture in the Municipality: Innovative Technologies in the Agro-Industrial Complex".

Among the listeners were deputy heads of administrations, heads of departments of agriculture, chief specialists and deputy heads of the departments of agriculture and environmental protection of the twenty districts of the Stavropol Territory.

In his lecture titled "Advanced technologies in the management of the livestock sector: new in breeding and breeding work, reproduction of a herd of dairy cattle; features feeding dairy cows with the same type of year-round diets of feeding "Professor S.A. Oleinik showed the current trends in the development of the main livestock species in our region, and also focused the listeners' attention on the key factors in improving the management efficiency of the industry.

The audience was particularly interested in the prospects for the development of dairy cattle breeding, which is currently the most problematic area in the province, and the development of our scientists to introduce modern methods for managing the dairy herd, taking into account the recommendations of the International Committee for Registration of Animals (ICAR). Their adapted translation for the first time in Russia was performed in our university by a creative team under the direction of the rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

It should also be noted that the introduction of innovative methods for the development of the livestock sector is the most important element of breeding improvement of the breeding and commodity production herds of dairy cattle in the region, which occurs with the active interaction of science and practice in the Stavropol Territory. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  11

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