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Prevention of terrorism and extremism among youth

The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a roundtable on "Prevention of Terrorism in a Polyethnoconfessional Youth Environment", which was attended by students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Economics and Electric Power Department.
Modern Russian society is experiencing a transformation of the value system, due to the modernization of public life. The processes of globalization in the economic, political, cultural spheres, drawing the population of the countries into migratory flows of a different nature and level, lead to the complication of the structural links of specific societies and the entire community as a whole. These factors to some extent stimulate tensions in interethnic relations, accompanied by interethnic conflicts, and on this basis various oppositional groups are beginning to appear, trying to achieve the desired result for them through extremism and terrorism. To successfully confront extremism and terrorism, their prevention in society, it is necessary to know and understand the criminal nature of these phenomena.
The most unprotected category of the population was the younger generation of Russia, which is in a kind of value and spiritual vacuum. There are facts of disorganization of youth, exposure to its influence of extremism, destroying the traditional values of Russian national culture, national cultures of other peoples.
Consideration of these important issues was dedicated to the round table.
The organizers of the conversation were the head of the Department of Philosophy and History, Associate Professor S.P. Zolotarev, Professor I.I. Gulyak, associate professors I.N. Kravchenko, E.V. Tufanov, N.G. Guzynin and V.I. Kurchev, senior teacher О.N. Shmatko.
The event began with a video film "Recruitment. Caution: Zombies, "whose story tells that modern youth can easily fall into the hands of "recruiters", if you do not take appropriate measures and do not conduct explanatory talks, preventive activities for adolescents.
At the end of the meeting, it was clear that the topic of the prevention of terrorism was relevant and was actively discussed in the student environment. The main conclusions of the round table were the participants' opinions on the need to impart a general character to counteractions to the ideology of terrorism. All students were unanimous in that the younger generation should be educated in the spirit of a firm and conscious rejection of extremism.

Дата новости для фото:  30.05.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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