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Intellectuals of the Agrarian University took part in the city's brain-ring


May 30, 2018 in Stavropol on the Fortress mountain Youth intellectual game of the brain-ring "Emperor Nicholas II and His Time" took place within the framework of the Orthodox Exhibition-Fair "The City of the Cross-2018". Representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University also took part in the "struggle of minds".

The participants of the competition gathered in different directions: teams from the Stavropol Theological Seminary and the orthodox youth movement Soboryane, students from the North Caucasus Federal University, the Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, the Stavropol Basic Medical College and our university.

The event began with a welcoming speech by the leading brain-ring member of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Alexey Vadimovich Zavalov, who told the assembled youth about the significance of the sacrificial feat in the name of the Fatherland of the last Russian autocrat, Emperor Nicholas II.

The questions of the game turned out to be rather complicated. They were dedicated to the reign of Emperor Nicholas II, and also touched upon the themes of the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars, the reforms of the Prime Ministers Sergey Yurievich Vitte and Pyotr Stolypin, the February 1917 coup.

The team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University easily and confidently passed the first 2 qualifying rounds, and the third round - the game of the captains lost, not having scored just a few points in the final for the victory. The university was represented by students of economic and accounting and finance faculties, as well as teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History (Associate Professor E.V. Tufanov, Associate Professor I. N. Kravchenko, Senior Teacher O.N. Shmatko).

All participants of the game not only received memorable book gifts, but also could visit the exhibition, get acquainted with the history of the country, Orthodox culture and the activities of churches and monasteries. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.05.2018 12:30:00
Номер новости для фото:  2

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