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Stavropol SAU develops international relations


Associate Professors of the Department "Accounting Financial Accounting" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Natalia Valentinovna Kulish and Olga Egorovna Sytnik visited the Grodno State Agrarian University (Republic of Belarus) in the framework of the strategic partnership agreement, where they took part in the XI International Scientific and Methodical Conference "Prospects for the Development of Higher Education ".

The first pro-rector of Grodno State Agrarian University A.A. Duduk, who greeted all participants and wished the conference fruitful work.

At the plenary session N.V. Kulish made a report "Methodological aspects of the formation of the educational environment in the Stavropol State Agrarian University", and the theme of O.E. Sytnik was "System of internal quality control of the educational process in the preparation of graduates of the accounting profile in the Stavropol State Agrarian University." The topics touched aroused great interest and many questions from the participants of the conference from different universities of Belarus and Russia.

In addition, teachers of the Stavropol GAU within the framework of this visit have upgraded their qualifications in the program "Organization of Accounting at Agroindustrial Complexes" at the Accounting Department under the guidance of Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor S.Yu. Scherbatyuk. In addition, they took part in the on-line webinar "Monitoring and Evaluation System of Separate Structural Units" (lecturer - NA Khmylova, Director of the Department for Internal Control of FSUE Russian Post), organized by the St. Petersburg State Economic University.

Our scientists discussed a number of issues at the round tables "Application of Information Technologies to Ensure the Quality of the Educational Process", "Implementation of the Competence Approach in the Preparation of Bachelors and Masters of the Accounting and Analytical Profile", "Adaptation of the Accounting Practice of Economic Entities of Russia and Belarus to IFRS", and , conducted master classes "Experience in assessing the knowledge of bachelors and masters of the accounting and analytical profile in the Stavropol State Agrarian University", "Organization of educational work in the Stavropol State Agrarian University", where they met with students and teachers of the accounting department of the Grodno State Agrarian University.

The visit to the Grodno State Agrarian University allowed expanding the borders of international cooperation, strengthening friendly ties with other universities, studying the experience of reforming higher education in the countries of the post-Soviet space and Western Europe. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  16

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