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The winners of the university award "Student of the Year" were honored at the Agrarian University


On the last day of spring, the solemn ceremony of awarding the finalists and winners of the "Student of the Year" competition took place at Stavropol State Agrarian University.

This vivid and wonderful holiday of smiles, enthusiasm and triumph of youth the university's rectorate holds annually.

"The students went to this all the school year," the main initiator of the award, the rector of the university, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, noted in his welcoming speech. - "We diligently studied, conducted scientific research, won grants, participated in volunteer movements, climbed sports pedestals, showed themselves in creativity - and once again with their successes confirmed the glory of their native university at the Russian and international level!"

The honorary guests and longtime friends of the agrarian high school came to congratulate the winners: Deputy Prime Minister of the Stavropol Territory Irina Vladimirovna Kuvaldina, First Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory Dmitry Nikolayevich Sudavtsov, Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory Olga Pavlovna Drozdova, Education Minister of the Stavropol Territory Yevgeny Kozyura, Dumas Viktor Ivanovich Lozovoy, Head of the Department for Youth Policy of the Government of Stavropol Yegor Basovich, head of the Regional Youth Projects Center Boris Ivanovich Drobotov, first deputy editor-in-chief of the television channel "Svoi TV" Sergey Nadein and deputy general director of the open joint-stock company "Kholod" Natalia Ivanovna Gurova.

All the guests agreed that the current students are very fortunate to be a part of this huge, united family and to study at the best educational institution of the North-Caucasian Federal District and the South of Russia.

This high title is confirmed by recognition at the federal level. In 2017, the Stavropol State Agrarian University won the third prize in the country's most fashion contest - the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality. We are the only university in Russia that has achieved such perfection.

Thanks to the efforts of students, teaching staff and, of course, the administration, our university received another solid status at the end of last year - the University Center for Innovative and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory.

Turning to the procedure of awarding, the host of the holiday - the chairman of the student trade union committee Nikolay Golovin noted that in total this year received 137 applications in 11 nominations from those wishing to participate in the prestigious university competition.

Elizabeth Barnash, a student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, has won the title "Tutor of the Year" - a person who helps to adapt to first-year students in the first months of university studies.

The freshmen themselves became the nominees for the "Discovery of the Year" prize, the winner of which was recognized as an economics student Anastasia Vikhlyaeva.

In the nomination "Young Scientist of the Year", the victory was won by Elizaveta Grabovenko, a student of the 4th year of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, and Naila Kateeva, a student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Alena Aleifirenko, a student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, became the best Volunteer of the Year.

Yakov Avdeyev, an athlete from the Electric Power Faculty, rose to the sports Olympus of SSAU, becoming the winner of the nomination "Athlete of the Year".

"Student leader of the year" recognized the pride of the accounting and finance faculty Ian Nikonov, and Tatiana Khutornaya, a student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources was declared the most "Creative personality".

The "Public Person of the Year" became Vladimir Avakyan, a student of the accounting and financial department, and the talent of "The Journalist of the Year" was most strikingly shown by Ekaterina Gardubey, a student at the Economics Faculty.

As for the nominees for the "Student Group of the Year" award, the jury decided to give the palm to two groups at once: group 5 of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources (Olesya Mirnaya) and 1 group of the 3rd course of the Electric Power Department (Albina Gasanova).

The main student of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Maxim Anuprienko was awarded with the Grand Prix and the title "Student of SSAU-2018".

“We are proud of such clever and talented youth, - Dmitry Nikolayevich Sudavtsov noted in his congratulations. - It's honorable for you, guys, but at the same time it's easy to reach such victorious heights, because your main mentor and inspirer is such an amazing person, charged for success, as the rector of your university - Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.”

Many words of sincere congratulations and gratitude sounded on this day from the mouth and other guests, prizewinners and graduates of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

A delicious and incredible gift to all participants of the holiday in the form of a 150-kilogram four-tier ice-cream cake was presented by Natalya Ivanovna Gurova on behalf of the strategic partner of the university - OJSC "Kholod". In her speech, the Deputy General Director of the enterprise noted that many graduates of the State Agrarian University: economists, engineers, technologists, equipment adjusters are working at the cold store, and therefore the leadership of OJSC "Kholod" knows firsthand that the Stavropol State Agrarian University is preparing really highly qualified and popular staff.

The holiday ended with an unusual concert "Graduate show", prepared by former students, nominees and prize-winners of the "Student of the Year" award of the last years. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  12

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