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We invite you to participate in the All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum "The Science of the Future - the Science of the Young"


From 24 to 27 September 2018 in Sochi, the All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum "Science of the Future - Young Scientists" and the International Scientific Conference "The Science of the Future" will be held on the basis of the Sirius Educational Center. The events are held in order to create a positive image of Russian science in Russia and abroad, exchange of experience between scientists and young people, as well as involving Russian young scientists in the process of implementing research and development in priority areas of science development, as defined by the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation.

The objectives of the conference and forum are the development among young people of interest in science, technology and innovation, involving girls and boys in finding answers to the solution of global scientific problems, expanding students' views about science as an important resource of Russian society, strengthening educational links between generations of scientists within individual scientific directions and interdisciplinary cooperation.

In the course of the events, the leading world scientists are scheduled to deliver speeches, conduct educational lectures, master classes, trainings and events of the cultural program.

The main event of the forum will be the annual All-Russian competition of research works of students and post-graduates of Russian universities. To participate in the competition, it is necessary to provide scientific research, prepared individually or in co-authorship with other students and graduate students. The subjects of the submitted projects should contribute to the formation of answers to the great challenges for society, the state and science, formulated in the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation.

The competition is held in three stages. Winners of the university research competition, recommended by the university, become participants in the correspondence stage of the All-Russian competition, during which the finalists are selected. Students and graduate students who have reached the final will be invited to Sochi to participate in the on-site tour, where their work will be appreciated by leading Russian and foreign scientists and will determine the winners of the contest. All the finalists will be awarded diplomas, their work will be published in scientific collections, and the winners will receive valuable prizes. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  10

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