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Representatives of the Agrarian University congratulated children from orphanages

Students and teachers of the accounting and financial department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on June 1 were congratulated on the International Children's Day for the children of the sponsored children's home of the State Borrowing Special (Correction) Educational Institution «Preschool Children's Home No. 9» in Stavropol and the State Borrowing Educational Institution «SS Child's Home» in Stavropol.
On the first day of summer, a big holiday is celebrated, and the kids who are brought up in orphanages especially expect it, because they know that their great friends from the Agrarian University are rushing to this day.
So this time, students and teachers of the accounting and financial department gave gifts to children from the State Borrowing Special (Correction) Educational Institution «Preschool Children's Home No. 9» and the State Borrowing Educational Institution «SS Child's Home»: educational toys, hygiene products, sweets.
The pupils of the orphanage, for their part, prepared a theatrical festive performance for their guests: they read poetry, sang songs, and danced.
No student remained indifferent to these kids, and the holiday will certainly remain in the heart of each of them.
The International Children's Day is first of all a reminder to adults about the need to respect children's rights to life, to education, recreation and leisure, to protection from physical and psychological violence, to protection from the exploitation of child labor as necessary conditions for the formation of a humane and just society.

Дата новости для фото:  04.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  10

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