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Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University passed «Philosophical quest»

Within the framework of student's classes in philosophy, the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted «Philosophical Quest».
Participants of the event were to pass nine stations and reach the finish line. In all rounds, the decisive criteria for victory were the knowledge of philosophical concepts, personalities, free orientation in the direction of philosophy, knowledge of the regional tradition and, of course, the ability to work as a team, to present your answer clearly. This experience of conducting classes is unprecedented in its own way, and everybody liked it: both to students and teachers.
The organizers of this project are teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History of Agrarian University. The objectives of this form of training: the actualization of knowledge obtained in the classroom on philosophy, as well as an additional repetition of the material passed and its fixation in a mobile, game form.
Teams of the faculties of veterinary medicine, agrobiology and land resources, financial and economic faculties were set for a serious game, but all the stations of the quest passed with ease. Participants of the event received a lot of positive emotions, a positive charge, and also demonstrated the ability to work together in a team and excellent knowledge of philosophy, history and culturology.

Дата новости для фото:  04.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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