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Developing the human resources potential of the "FoodNet" market in the Stavropol region


On June 4, 2018 as part of the implementation of the innovative project "Personnel for FoodNet" on the basis of the Center for Employment and Development of the Professional Career of Graduates of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agroindustrial Complex Ivan Kireyevich Tselovalnikov and Alexander Yurievich Gunko with students of the 3rd year of the Economics Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University visited the collective farm named after Voroshilov, located on the Krasnochervon farm of Novoaleksandrovsky district.

The given project is organized with the purpose of development of personnel potential of the prospective market «FoodNet» of the Stavropol Territory.

The excursion for the students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was conducted by the chairman of the collective farm Oleg Shatokhin.

The agricultural production cooperative farm named after Voroshilov is one of the largest diversified farms in the Stavropol region. Here, successfully engaged in plant growing, meat and dairy cattle. Also, the Voroshilov Kolkhoz successfully solves social problems in the countryside. For example, the company's management sent 24 million rubles to modernize the school, which is now in no way inferior to other educational institutions. That it pleasantly surprised the guests, so this is a sports hall, a field for small football, a path around it with a special coating, which are not present in all schools of the region. Also pleased with the presence of a correctional room, in which children with disabilities from all over the region come to work with a psychologist.

Here are the participants of the excursion who shared with us about the visits to the kolkhoz:

Ryzhenko Stanislav: "Personally, I liked the trip, warmly met, they told and showed everything. I was pleasantly surprised by the state of the school sponsored by the agricultural production cooperative named after Voroshilov. Everything was at the highest level!"

Eprintseva Lydia: "This trip enabled us to get acquainted with the work of the collective farm, personally meet with its chairman and chief economist. We managed to work with real reporting and apply the knowledge accumulated in the university in practice. I would like to express my gratitude to our teacher Igor Kireyevich Tselovalnikov and the leadership of the Kolkhoz farm name after Voroshilov for the opportunity".

Ovsyannikova Elena: "A trip to the collective farm name after Voroshilov became for us, future economists, an invaluable experience. We have learned in an illustrative example how a successful agricultural production cooperative should look, and also heard a report on the state and prospects of the development of the main agricultural sectors: crop production and livestock. Also, it was interesting to learn about the social policy being conducted in the agricultural production cooperative farm named after Voroshilov, to help the school, the church and the local House of Culture".

Korotkova Valeria: "In my opinion, the Voroshilov Kolkhoz is an amazing organization. His economic department impressed with appearance, and the staff had a pleasant attitude, both within the team that was observed during the conversations, and to the guests who arrived. The size of the fields on which the collective farm grows grain, sunflower, sugar beet and also, I think, their excellent results is amazing: the selling price of one ton of the crop considerably exceeds the cost price. Undoubtedly, it will be very useful in this kolkhoz to pass both summer and pre-diploma practice for students. And also a positive moment is that the kolkhoz can offer decent work". 

Дата новости для фото:  05.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  12

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