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The Stavropol State Agrarian University successfully introduced the regional model of the FoodNet market in the Stavropol Territory

On June 4-5 2018 in Togliatti State University (TSU) held a network All-Russia meeting "Supporting universities as points of intersection of vertical and horizontal links of the intra-national system of regional development", in which representatives of the Stavropol State University took part.
Participants in the networking meeting were the leaders and staff of 31 universities in Russia. The Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by the head of the Education Quality Management Center Elena Khokhlova and the head of the coordination center for the implementation of the Stavropol State University's transformation program at the University Innovation and Technological Development Center of the Stavropol Territory Alexei Bobryshev.
Within two days, the Togliatti State University discussed topical issues relevant for the support universities, presented their best practices in working with executive bodies and the business community, shared experience in the formation and promotion of the supporting universities brand, and also defined ways of mutual integration.
Alexey Bobryshev presented the experience of transformation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University into the University Center of Technological and Innovative Development of the Stavropol Territory within the framework of the discussion "Supporting Universities and Higher Education Institutions as Centers of the Innovation Creation Space: Problems and Prospects for Integration". In his speech, he noted that within the framework of the implementation of the priority project "Universities as centers of innovation creation space", the Stavropol SAU is the only agrarian higher educational institution - the winner of the selection of educational institutions of higher education for the creation of university centers of innovation, technological and social development of the regions in 2017.
To achieve this goal, our university acts as the initiator of a pilot project for the formation and implementation in Stavropol Region the model of the prospective FoodNet market of the national technology initiative.
The roadmap for the implementation of the promising market FoodNet is the only officially not published among all initiatives of National Technological Initiative. In this regard, our university is implementing a pilot project to justify the regional model of the prospective FoodNet market in the Stavropol Territory. The main goal of the FoodNet market is the creation of competitive products of high quality and with high added value. For its implementation, university scientists conduct research in the field of 5 sectors that affect all stages of the life cycle of agricultural production:
- "Clever" agriculture;
- Accelerated breeding;
- New sources of raw materials;
- Affordable organic;
- Personalized food.
Also, in his speech Bobryshev A.N. presented the results of the Youth Technopark "FoodNet" work of the Stavropol State University, which united the "Center of Interesting Breeding", "Center for Alternative Energy", "Center of Entertaining Chemistry", "Center for Additive Technologies and Prototyping", "Environmental Design Center", " school "ABC of Money", "School of Healthy Nutrition", "School of a Young Entrepreneur", "Young Aibolit".
Aleksey Nikolayevich noted that the key effect of the functioning of the youth technopark is the wide involvement of the youth of the Stavropol Territory in scientific and technical creativity, the early formation of WorldSkills competencies and the development of scientific and technical creativity of the youth in the Stavropol Territory.
In the opinion of the meeting participants, the main universities and universities as centers for the creation of innovations today should not compete, but seek ways to interact on various issues and form not only a regional but also a federal agenda. One of the outcomes of the meeting was the agreement of universities representatives to create on a single Internet resource a single database of competencies that the "supporters" have to create proposals from the university network for customers from various sectors of the economy.

Дата новости для фото:  07.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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