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Volunteer movement of the University is growing and developing


On June 6, 2018, the first report-election conference of the Headquarters of Volunteer Troops of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was held.

The headquarters of the volunteer detachments of the Stavropol SAU was formed a year ago, but during this time the activists of three volunteer druzhins "Zabota", "Tolk" and "Volunteer" managed to implement many joint socially significant initiatives.

Within the framework of the report-elective conference there was a presentation of the activity of the volunteer detachments for the second semester of the current academic year: the results of the work were summed up, quantitative and qualitative results were announced and further prospects for the development of each unit for the next year were outlined.

The final issue on the agenda was the election of the commander of the Headquarters of volunteer detachments of the Stavropol State University. As a result of the vote, the fourth year student of the accounting and financial department, the head of the Volunteer Detachment "Volunteer" Inna Kuliyeva was elected as the commander of the staff for the second year.

At the end of the conference the head of the department for educational work and social issues of the university T.I. Gunko and the chairman of the primary trade-union organization Nikolay Golovin presented thank-you letters to the most active volunteers and thanked for the quality work and indifferent attitude to the problems of modern society. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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