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Congratulation of the rector of the SSAU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary citizen of the Stavropol Territory V. I. Trukhachev


Dear friends! I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the Day of Russia!

In the history of our country on June 12 takes a special place. The day of the adoption of the declaration on state sovereignty marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of a great power, oriented towards the establishment of democratic values ​​in political and public life. And now it is moving forward with confident steps, gaining new friends and partners, developing its huge potential, preserving and multiplying the age-old cultural traditions, which, like nothing else, unite our multinational people.

The new time of the Russian statehood allowed the Stavropol Territory to reach the perspective horizons of development. New branches of the economy appeared, scientific and innovation centers were opened, powerful investment projects were received, international business ties were established, business and agriculture, science and education gained a second wind.

The staff of the Stavropol State Agrarian University has duly joined the general trend of transformation and development! We are all in our own place, selflessly working and making an important contribution not only to the prosperity of our home university, but also to the benefit of the whole region, of all Russia, striving for our achievements.

We are proud of our history and culture, natural wealth and unique resorts, successes in scientific activity, art and sport.

Let Russia be glorified by worthy victories of authoritative scientists and a new generation of progressive farmers! We must preserve the invaluable heritage that we have and move on, transforming and modernizing the educational and agricultural industries.

I wish you all good health, inexhaustible energy, family well-being and new victories for the benefit of our great Motherland!

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Professor, Deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory,

Hero of Labor of Stavropol,

Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory

V.I. Trukhachev 

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