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Teachers of Economics Faculty upgraded their qualification


Strategic Partner of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - Corporate Finance LLC - opened the doors for field trips for teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy. At the moment it is difficult to imagine the work of an economist-professional without knowledge of information technologies and modern specialized software. The development of professional practical skills in this area is one of the important tasks and topical areas of professional development for teachers. On the basis of the company "Corporate Finance", which has many years of practical experience in the field of business process automation and consulting, there was a production training on the topic "Planning and analysis of business processes of small and medium-sized businesses using modern information systems." Teachers of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy in full composition passed the training cycle. Specialists of the company headed by the head of the project department Anton Grachev informed the teachers about the practice of successful application of modern software products of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 and Prime Expert series, relevant to the use of small and medium-sized businesses. Such informatization tools help provide the economist with an exhaustive information on all the main business processes of the enterprise for further analysis and planning, as well as provide a full cycle of automation of the value chain: from procurement to the final implementation. Particular attention is paid to working with customers, embodied in a special block of CRM-system. The students were given the opportunity to practice one of these software products, which is "able" to automate the construction, regulation and analysis of business processes in any area of ​​economic activity, be it trade, provision of services, or contract work. The final attestation was attended by the dean of the Faculty of Economics Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina and the deputy director of the IDPO Andrey Viktorovich Pankratov. As the main result it was noted that the production training will allow improving the educational and methodological support of the educational process aimed at developing the professional competencies of future specialists. It should be noted that the similar course of disciplines with the inclusion of methodological developments and tasks in the environment of the software product "1C: Management of a small firm" has already been evaluated in practice by undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty of Economics, who need to replenish their professional moneybox with experience with similar software products. Fieldwork only confirmed the correctness of the chosen course of the department in the need for further development and dissemination of practical skills in the field of automation of business processes of the enterprise among economists at all levels of training. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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