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The Agrarian University celebrates the jubilee


Today in the walls of Stavropol State Agrarian University a solemn meeting dedicated to the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Service, Standardization and Metrology of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Yuliy Matveevich Shapran was held.

Yuli Matveyevich gave 63 years of his life to work in Stavropol State Agrarian University. Since 1955, his fate is connected with agricultural science and pedagogical activity in training personnel for the agro-industrial complex. He started as an assistant; in 1966 he defended his thesis, from 1968 to 1985 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanization of Agriculture, in the period 1980-1985 he held the post of the head of the department of machinery repair. And up to the present time this wise, smiling and not in years old cheerful person works in the university, charging everyone with his positive and youthful enthusiasm. Associate Professor Yu. M. Shapran was repeatedly encouraged by various awards, including government awards.

Deep respect of colleagues and authority among like-minded people and students cause not only the professional merits of Yuliy Matveyevich, but also excellent personal qualities. For example, for many years now he has been the invariable winner of the annual chess tournament. Still no one managed to beat him in this intellectual sport!

On behalf of the university administration Ivan Atanov, the pro-rector on educational work congratulated the jubilee and expressed the hope of the whole team that Yuliy Matveyevich will continue to pass on his invaluable experience to teachers and students.

Dean of the faculty, Egor Vladimirovich Kulaev, heartily thanked the birthday man for many years of fruitful work, read out the welcome address of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, and also told the audience about the life of the culprit of the celebration.

At the end of his speech, Egor Vladimirovich noted that over the years, Yuliy Matveyevich had become a mentor for more than 15 thousand graduates - this is a whole city of engineers!

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University Nikolai Gurylovich Guzinin presented a letter of thanks, a valuable gift and expressed hope for further cooperation.

Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Khalyutkin, a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanization of 1964, spoke on behalf of the Electric Power Department of SSAU. In addition, graduates-production workers also came to congratulate the jubilee: A.A. Alferov, A.F. Eger, N.V. Inozemtsev, A.N. Misyura, A.P. Poltoribatko (1977), S.S. Unanov and A.M. Fedoryan (1988).

In conclusion, the students of the faculty delivered greeting words and expressions of great gratitude, and the student-asset pleased the birthday man and his guests. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  3

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