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In SSAU a master class on exchange trading in the sale of agricultural products was made


Teachers of the chair "Finance, Credit and Insurance" within the framework of the transformation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University into the University Center for Innovative and Technological Development of the Stavropol Territory took part in the master class "Exchange Trades: New Opportunities in the Realization of Agricultural Products". The event was organized jointly with the head of the financial company "BKS Premier" Stanislav Vladimirovich Gigoryev for the 2nd and 3rd year students of the Accounting and Financial Department, the major of Finance and Credit.

The guys got acquainted with the activities of "BKS Premier? and the history of the emergence of stock exchanges in Russia.

During the master class, students were able to learn the basic principles of trading futures for wheat.

Futures contracts for wheat are one of the oldest financial instruments of commodity exchanges. The importance of this cereal is extremely high. This ensures a high and stable liquidity of contracts throughout the history of their existence. More than 56 thousand contracts are made every day. This is the number of aggregate transactions of traders and hedgers. In addition, wheat futures are characterized by high volatility, which allows you to make profit in short-term trading. In the whole world there are many varieties of this cereal. All of them differ from each other with color, size, hardness and place of cultivation and cost. It is clear that wheat varieties growing in the US are the most liquid.

The futures trading of wheat in Russia is just over three years - the delivery and settlement contracts were launched by the MICEX and RTS exchanges. While their activity is low, and liquidity on the exchange is low. Agrarians do not see what benefits a futures contract can bring. But the risks, they are sure, have such a lot of trade. Futures are not an easy tool to use which agricultural producers still need to be taught, experts say. In the US, for example, this is done for budgetary funds.

The participants of the seminar received answers to the questions: how is futures trading carried out? How can I insure my risks with futures? Why is futures trading widespread?

The result of the event was a discussion of students and the head of a financial company on the instruments of the financial market. All the listeners of the master class actively participated in discussions, demonstrated their interest and desire to develop in the chosen field. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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