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Volunteers of the Agrarian University have pleased patrons from boarding schools


According to the established tradition, every calendar year in Russia is declared as the year of cinema, ecology, theater, history, and so on, in order to draw public attention to one or another topical topic. The current year is declared as the year of a volunteer. Volunteer student group "Care" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University does not stay aloof from public activity.

Throughout the school year, the student specialized volunteer detachment "Care" worked hard and took part in many actions, such as: "George ribbon", "Donor of Stavropol", "Change a candy cigarette", "Stop HIV AIDS" and others.

On June 19 2018, volunteers from the volunteer movement visited two sponsored institutions: the State Educational Establishment "Special (Correctional) Boarding School No. 4" and the State Educational Establishment "Special (Correctional) Boarding School No. 14 of the VIII kind".

For more than 15 years, the students of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture have been celebrating the Day of the Name-day, and are visiting their little friends to congratulate and give a gift to every child who had a birthday in the winter or spring.

This time, more than 60 inmates of boarding schools received their gift and congratulations from the student's specialized volunteer squad "Care".

In addition to congratulations for the birthday, the students prepared games, contests, quizzes. Margarita Ignatchenko, Larisa Zubacheva, Ali Abdulaev and Daniil Kryakvin pleased everyone with their creative numbers.

In Special (correctional) boarding school № 4 of Bazoviy volunteers of the detachment were pleasantly surprised. Director of the boarding school Voloshina Eugenia Borisovna presented gratitude to the Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Professor Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko for his attention to the institution's pupils and creative approach to the organization of meetings.

The work semester ends this year. Soon a vacation and a lot of good summer days will wait for everybody but the pupils of supervised boarding schools will wait with impatience to meet with their older comrades. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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