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Scientists of the Faculty of Economics of SSAU were awarded with a gold medal


A gold medal in the 38th International Paris Book Salon for the development of the textbook "World Economy and International Economic Relations" was awarded to the authors of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy.

Paris Salon is a global international platform for the exchange of publishing experience, which provides information support to scientists and teachers who are authors of educational and scientific literature. Among the visitors of the Salon, many French and foreign politicians, scientists and cultural figures are noted, which demonstrates the importance of books and reading in modern society.

The manual "World Economy and International Economic Relations", developed by the author's team of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy (N.V. Bannikova, N.V. Vorobyeva, D.O. Gracheva, A.R. Baicherova, Yu.V. Orel, T.N. Kostyuchenko, N.Yu. Yermakova, S.A. Izmalkov, S.S. Serikov, A.V. Tenishchev, E.G. Pupinina, N.N. Telnova, S.S. Vaitsekhovskaya), noted as a profoundly revealing trend in the development of scientific research in Russia on international trade, the development of transnational companies, international migration of capital and slave whose force. The manual has a high scientific and pedagogical significance.

Congratulations to our teachers and wish them the conquest of new scientific heights! 

Дата новости для фото:  28.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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