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Regional headquarters of the All-Russian People's Front held a meeting in the walls of the State Agrarian University


The Stavropol State Agrarian University has already become a traditional venue for events under the aegis of the All-Russian People's Front (ARPF). So this time the participants of the regional headquarters of the ARPF organized their extended meeting in our university.

Recall that on June 12 the movement celebrated its fifth anniversary. That useful and important thing that has already been done by "front-line soldiers" and what remains to be done, has become the main topic of discussion.

The session was opened by the Co-Chairman of the Central Staff of the Public Popular Front, the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Olga V. Timofeeva. She told about the continuation of work on issues and assignments remaining on the control of the ARPF - the situation in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, textbooks in schools, housing for orphans and settlers from a dilapidated and emergency fund, improving the environment and others. In addition, the ARPF has already begun to work on national projects.

"If earlier we tried to force officials to correct deficiencies, now we, as experts, have the opportunity to formulate national projects, make proposals, and not only control their execution," stressed Olga Viktorovna.

The guests were welcomed by the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Truhachev. In his speech, he drew attention to problems with providing the region with drinking water. Its shortage hinders the economic development of municipalities. At the same time, the water canal, according to the member of the staff, is clearly not concerned with the introduction of new capacities. Vladimir Ivanovich proposed that the ARPF in the Stavropol Territory actively engage in the development of water supply and land reclamation. He also thanked Olga Viktorovna Timofeeva for effective assistance in the elimination of the half-century landfill near Svetlograd, as well as for her active participation in the formation of the youth wing of the ARPF, of which students, including students, are also participants.

In the fourth quarter of this year, the congress of the ARPF will be held, at which the staff will be updated and working out action plans for each of the 12 thematic traffic areas. In all directions, moderators will be selected whose candidatures are still under discussion. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.06.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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