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The youth of the Agrarian University was honored in the Region Government


Almost a quarter of a century ago, in June 1993, a new state holiday appeared in Russia. And from this moment every year on June 27 we celebrate the Day of Youth of the Russian Federation. On this day in the Government of the Stavropol Territory the most active and purposeful, successful and talented youth leaders of Stavropol were awarded. Awards were received by about 80 people, including representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The gathering was congratulated by the Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the first persons of the region.

Honored guests noted that the Stavropol youth is special, not indifferent and looking to the future. This day for many has become a new starting point in life, a frontier, having stepped for which they will add even more strength and effort to be useful to the Stavropol Territory and our Fatherland.

The gratitude of the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Olga Timofeeva for many years of conscientious work in the field of implementing the state youth policy in Stavropol Region marked the students of our University Kuliyeva Inna and Yakhyaev Islam.

The gratitude of the Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Ishchenko Alexander Nikolayevich was awarded to the Head of the Stavropol regional branch of the All-Russian public organization "Young Guard of United Russia", the student of the SSAU Nogin Sergey, for active participation in the implementation of the state youth policy in the Stavropol Territory.

The award of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory in the field of science and innovation to young scientists and specialists for the year 2017 was awarded to Omarov Ruslan Saferbegovitch, Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. This award was awarded to Ruslan Saferbegovich for developing a new technology for meat products with a functional focus.

Also, the award of the Governor of Stavropol region was awarded to the senior lecturer of the Chair of Agrochemistry and Physiology of Plants of our University Salenko Elena Aleksandrovna for scientific researches in programming productivity of winter wheat on the basis of optimization of application of mineral fertilizers.

For the fruitful work and contribution to the implementation of youth policy in the Stavropol Territory, the Chairman of the Regional Youth Government Semenov Semyon, post-graduate student of the first year of the Faculty of Technological Management, was awarded with a letter of thanks of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory.

We did not ignore this holiday of youth and enthusiasm and those who created a wonderful atmosphere and worked on organizing the largest and most massive event in the history of the regional capital, the All-Russian Festival "Student Spring".

For the help in organizing and holding the XXVI All-Russian Festival "Russian Student Spring", thanks to the letters of thanks of the Governor of Stavropol Region:

- Golovin Nikolay, head of the executive directorate of the festival, chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University;

- Anuprienko Maksim, the head of the service for work with the festival participants, the chairman of the Council of Students of StGAU;

- Zubenko Elena, the head of delegation of participants of the Stavropol Territory, the senior lecturer of the department of technical service, standardization and metrology;

- Maklakov Ivan, a member of the production and production group of the festival, the head of the center for aesthetic education of students of the Agrarian University;

- Nikonova Yana, administrator of the central headquarters of the festival, specialist of the department for educational work and social issues of the State Agrarian University.

And the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev was awarded a special gift with a filling deposit and invaluable assistance in organizing the XIII All-Russian Festival "Russian Student Spring".

All those who gathered with their sparkling performance were congratulated by the participants of the vocal studio of the University "Provence". 

Дата новости для фото:  28.06.2018 00:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  2

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