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Agrarian University congratulated the winners of the rally of student production brigades


From June 27 to June 29, 2018 in the village Grigoropolisskaya of Novoaleksandrovsky urban district there took place the jubilee 50th regional meeting of student production brigades. More than 300 schoolchildren and teachers from 26 rural areas of Stavropol Territory took part in the event. The judging board of competitions of the meeting has been the faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University for several years now.

At the close of the rally participants and winners were welcomed by Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Stavropol Territory Irina V. Kuvaldina, Minister of Education of Stavropol Territory Yevgeny Kozyura, Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

Rural boys and girls competed in professional skills among fruit growers, landscape designers, livestock breeders, ecologists, plant breeders, foremen, mechanics, inventors and rationalizers, veterinarians, foresters.

As a result of the rally, the winners and prize-winners in the team event were:

1 place - the team of Novoaleksandrovsky urban district;

2nd place - the team of Blagodarnoe urban district;

3rd place - the team of Shpakovsky district.

Particularly distinguished guys were awarded with diplomas, cups, medals. And 32 graduates-winners received an invitation to study at Stavropol State Agrarian University personally from the rector Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev who congratulated all with warm words and reminded that the winners on admission to SSAU are added to the total sum of the USE results 5 points for 1 place, 4 points - for 2 place and 3 points - for 3 place.

- It is important for us to support talented students from different regions of Stavropol Territory - they excel in the period of study at the university, become excellent students and nominal fellows, winners of various competitions and youth leaders. Over the past 15 years, more than 400 winners and prize-winners of student training teams have become students of the Agrarian University, - said Vladimir Ivanovich.

But the regional meeting of the SPB is not only a competitive test, it's also the most fun and intense 3 days of summer vacation, because all this time "The Dream" team of the Agrarian University did not let the guys get bored. The activists of our university prepared a lot of alternative sites, where participants were able to escape from the atmosphere of examinations, play interesting games and become a united team.

Every year the regional meeting of SPB passes brightly and leaves pleasant memories to everyone who has been there. Next year the Agrarian team will undoubtedly make every effort to let the participants leave with the same baggage of pleasant memories! 

Дата новости для фото:  02.07.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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