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Meeting of the methodological commission in the training and experimental farm


On the basis of the training and experimental farm of Stavropol State Agrarian University a meeting of the methodological commission of the departments of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture was held. Traditionally, members of the commission got acquainted with the methodological foundations of carrying out scientific research of students (bachelors and undergraduates), graduate students and employees. In addition, the staff of the farm considers the main stationary experiments of the faculties.

Before the beginning of the event, Dean of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander N. Esaulko outlined the main points of visiting the training and experimental farm.

The director of the training and testing station, candidate of agricultural sciences Alexander Voskoboynikov told about the events held on the territory of the farm due to the leadership of the university and personally supported by the rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. At present, the training and experimental farm of Stavropol State University is the main base of educational and production practices of bachelors and masters.

The chief agronomist of the training and testing station, candidate of agricultural sciences Alexei G. Matveyev, presented information about the readiness for conducting summer fieldwork.

The head of the department of agrochemistry and plant physiology, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor Maksim Sergeevich Sigida defined the main ways of development of the training and experimental station, designated a set of crops which are grown here and perspective topics of scientific research of students, graduate students and employees of our university. And Olga Y. Lobankova, Ph.D., Associate Professor recalled that all programs and methods of scientific research are approved at the meeting of the methodological commission of our faculties.

The Methodical Commission got acquainted with the scientific researches of postgraduate students of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscape architecture.

Ozheredova Alena, postgraduate student of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology under the scientific supervision of the Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor A.N. Esaulko is studying "Programming winter wheat varieties for maximum productivity on the basis of optimizing the use of fertilizers".

Alexander Nikolaevich Yesaulko also carries out the scientific management of the research of the postgraduate student of the department of agrochemistry and plant physiology Kasatkina Alexandra "Optimization of the mineral nutrition of coriander seed on chernozem leached Stavropol Upland".

"The influence of microfertilizers on the yield and quality of winter wheat on the chernozem leached Stavropol Upland" was told about by the postgraduate student of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology Murynkina Ekaterina who conducts scientific research under the scientific guidance of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Sigida Maxim Sergeevich.

A post-graduate student of the department of agrochemistry and plant physiology Gayk Garibjanian studies "Efficiency of application of solid and liquid mineral fertilizers in top dressing of winter soft wheat on the chernozem leached Stavropol Upland" under the scientific supervision of professor of the RAS A.N. Esaulco.

On the experimental station of the university, long-term stationary experiments of the departments of the faculties are preserved. During the visiting session of the Methodological Commission, the scientists presented their experimental plots, as well as the results of the studies conducted on them.

Head of the Department of Soil Science named after V.I. Tulpanov doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Tskhovrebov Valery, doctor of agricultural sciences Faizova Vera Ivanovna and associate professor Kalugin Dmitriy Vasilievich showed the stationary of the department "Remineralization of chernozem leached by various rocks."

The nursery of medicinal and essential oil grasses was presented to the members of the methodological commission by the doctor of agricultural sciences, head of the department of general agriculture, plant breeding and selection named after Professor F.I. Bobryshev Olga Ivanovna Vlasova and associate professors of the department Mukhina Olga Viktorovna and Shabaldas Olga Georgievna.

The head of the department of production and processing of food products from plant raw materials, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor Elena Semenovna Romanenko acquainted the participants with the possibilities of conducting various kinds of practices and scientific researches in the training garden and in the fruit and berry nursery.

In addition, the participants studied the breeding nursery of the Gossortouchastka, where in the current year13 new varieties of spring barley and 14 varieties of peas of the leading breeding centers of Russia are being studied, presented by the candidates of agricultural sciences, associate professors Inna Anatolievna Donets and Anna Sergeevna Golub.

The results of the study of No-till technology in the territory of Stavropol State Agrarian University were shared by the candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor Elena B. Drepa.

On the territory of this stationary, graduate student Khanyan Elina conducts a study on the "Influence of the technology of cultivation of field crops on agrophysical and biological factors and yield in conditions of the zone of unstable moistening of Stavropol Territory" under the scientific supervision of the doctor of agricultural sciences, head of the department of general agriculture, plant breeding and selection named after Professor F.I. Bobryshev Olga Ivanovna Vlasova.

Associate Professor, candidate of agricultural sciences Aysanov Timur Soltanovich shared the features of the technology of cultivation of vegetable crops and potatoes.

Here, Sergei Geist, postgraduate student of the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology, presented the results of scientific research "Optimization of the mineral nutrition of potatoes on the chernozem leached Stavropol Upland", which he conducts under the scientific supervision of the candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant professor Sigida Maxim Sergeevich.

The phytosanitary situation in the training and experimental farm was presented by the head of the chair of chemistry and plant protection, doctor of agricultural sciences Anna Petrovna Shutko and associate professors Natalya Glazunova and Julia Bezgina. They also shared their projections for the next agricultural year.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Korostylev Sergey Alexandrovich shared his success in conducting research at the department of agrochemistry and plant physiology "Development of the theoretical and technological foundations of biogeochemical fluxes of substances in agrolandscapes", which is the oldest pilot site in the South of Russia.

In conclusion, the members of the methodical commission held a meeting in the form of a round table, during which they shared their basic impressions, determined their merits, identified shortcomings and outlined ways to improve the conduct of scientific research on the basis of the training and experimental facilities of Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.07.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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