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Severo-Kavkazstat in alliance with the Agrarian University


This year marks the 160th anniversary of the formation of Stavropol Provincial Statistical Committee. As part of the festivities, the library of Stavropol State Agrarian University organized an exhibition "Statistics yesterday - statistics today", which was already visited by students and teachers of the accounting and financial department.

The exhibition presents rare specimens: statistical collections of the 40s, the war period, including the Passport of the city of Voroshilovsk in 1940, the Economic and Statistical Guide to the City of Stavropol in 1942, 30 years of peaceful labor in Stavropol, Economic and social development of the province for 1928-1978, Stavropol for 50 years of the Stakhanov movement, Development of statistics for 50 years of Soviet power, and a number of modern statistical publications.

In continuation of the events dedicated to the Day of the Statistical Worker, a meeting of Severo-Kavkazstat was held, in which the head of Severo-Kavkazstat Natalya Skorkina, her deputies, members of the board, the chairman of the Public Council of Severo-Kavkazstat, the dean of the accounting department, the doctor Elena Kostyukova, Member of the Public Council of Severo-Kavkazstat, Head of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Doctor of Economics Alexey Nikolaevich Gerasimov.

In her speech Elena Ivanovna congratulated those present on the significant date, spoke about the work of the Public Council of Severo-Kavkazstat, directions of interaction with statisticians, conducted training seminars with the teaching staff of the Accounting and Finance Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University for the specialists of the North Caucasus and in end thanked the participants, stressing that a great deal of joint work has already been done, but there are still many directions ahead for cooperation and constructive dialogue.

Дата новости для фото:  03.07.2018
Номер новости для фото:  3

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