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Representatives of the region government checked the progress of harvesting


Chairman of the Duma of Stavropol region Gennady Vladimirovich Yagubov, first Deputy Chairman of the government of the region Nikolay Timofeyevich, Velikdan, Deputy Minister of agriculture of the region Andrey Oleynik, the Chairman of Committee of regional parliament on agrarian and land affairs, environment and ecology Ivan Bogachev and the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of RAS, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev conducted a meeting, during which he reviewed the progress of the harvest in eight districts of Stavropol region.

As Nikolay Timofeyevich Velikdan noted at the final meeting with the heads of municipal districts and urban districts, heads of departmental structures and representatives of the scientific community, which was held in the SEC kolkhoz-Plemzavod "Kazminsky" Kochubeevsky district, Stavropol farmers crossed the equator of the harvesting.

Today the harvest is conducted in 23 districts of the region. Harvesting is already finished in Arzgirsky, Levokumsky and Neftekumsky Districs.

Ahead-harvesting of row crops: 317 thousand hectares of sunflower, 35 thousand hectares of sugar beet and 195 thousand hectares of corn.

- Scientists of our University have always worked hand in hand with the heads of farms to improve the quality of grain, its proper nutrition, which ultimately leads to such high yields of Stavropol grain – growers, - said Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. - The annual 10 tons of bread is, in particular, the work of our Agronomic Faculty.

Summing up the meeting, Nikolay Timofeyevich Velikdan reminded that the main task is to complete the harvest in the optimal time. It is also necessary to prepare soil for sowing of winter crops timely, to ensure safety and labor protection rules and to accumulate mineral fertilizers for filling clean steam and half-pack. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.07.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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