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"Lessons of courage" for students will be conducted by the staff of Rosgvardia


Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Truhachev met with the Head of the Rosgvardia Office of the Stavropol Territory, Major-General Nikolai Nikolayevich Olekhnovich. Particular attention in the conversation of the two leaders was paid to the patriotic education of the younger generation.

Since September 2018, the Stavropol State Agrarian University will start a unique project: the staff of Rosgvardia will conduct special classes for students, who will acquaint them with the history and everyday life of the departments.

"Lessons of courage" will enable young people to learn more about modern types of equipment and weapons that are in service with Rosgvardia, the principles of organizing activities and interaction with other militarized structures, and, of course, once again recalling the deceased employees who defended their lives at the cost of their own lives of citizens in the North Caucasus, Nikolai Olekhnovich noted.

V. I. Trukhachev thanked the head of the Office for fruitful dialogue and readiness for cooperation, and promised to provide all-round assistance in organizing thematic lessons for agrarian student.

- It is important for us that our guys are not refined slobbers, but real men! Will be able to protect themselves and their loved ones, - Vladimir Ivanovich emphasized. - The discipline of students, their military training and patriotic upbringing to a certain extent depends on security not only in our region, but throughout the country. After all, most students will be in the army after recieving diplomas, and thanks to such lessons, will already have the baggage of specialized knowledge that will help in teaching military science. In addition, we plan to organize similar exercises with the involvement of officers of the 247th Guards Airborne Assault Regiment deployed in Stavropol, not far from the buildings of our Veterinary Faculty. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.07.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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