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Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in "Day of the Field - 2018"


The traditional largest agricultural exhibition "Day of the Field" was held in Stavropol. This year the event was held in the territory of Budennovskiy district in LLC "Paris Commune". The rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev took part in the closing ceremony. Honorary guests of the grandiose holiday of agricultural machinery were: chairman of the regional Duma Gennady Yagubov, first deputy chairman of the regional government Nikolay Velikdan, deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on agrarian questions Aleksei Lavrinenko, the minister of agriculture of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Sitnikov. In total, over 3 thousand people visited the event, including heads of districts and city districts, heads and workers of agricultural enterprises. Over one hundred units of agricultural equipment were presented at the exhibition: combine harvesters, tractors, telescopic loaders, ploughs, high-speed disc harrows, sprayers, cultivators, seeders and much more. The best workers of the Stavropol AIC were awarded medals "For valiant work" and Honorary letters of the governor, the Duma of SK and the regional ministry of agriculture. - The motto of today's holiday is "Power is in our native land!". And this is very correct! - said Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev. - Our university prepares specialists who will work exactly on their native land, to benefit it and the state, in general. I always say to the students: it is very important not only to get a good, popular profession, but also to remain a patriot of your small homeland - the district, the village. Only working for the benefit of our native land and making a personal contribution to the prosperity of the economy, you can become a worthy citizen of Russia! Our strength lies in knowledge, new technologies and love of the earth! After the official part of the event, a festive program began. Bikers opened the spectacle parade of agricultural and military equipment. A self-propelled artillery unit, a BTR-80, a GRAD reaction system, a mortar 2611 passed through the applause of the spectators. And then the Russian armored storm troopers "Rooks" flew into the sky, flying the squadron, wing into the wing, over the spectators. Equally enthusiastic spectators watched the actions of the fire-fighting helicopter MI-8. MI-28 or "Night Hunter", showed aerobatics figures, flying several times over the exhibition complex. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.08.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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