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Yesterday graduates - today specialists of the largest breeding farms of Stavropol Territory


At the Faculty of Technological Management, classes were held for listeners of an additional professional development program on the topic: "Conducting valuation of the cattle milk and milk-meat breeds."

At the request of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory at the Department of Private Zootechny, breeding of animals and animal husbandry for livestock breeding breeders of LLC "Agroindustrial Holding Group Lesnaya Dacha" and Agricultural Production Cooperative "Plemzavod Second Five-Year Plan" of the Ipatovsky District, as well as LLC "Khleborob" Petrovsky District by Professor Oleynik S. A. classes were held on the program of professional development with the aim of introducing modern organizational principles for recording and evaluating the productive qualities of dairy cattle.

The course was attended by our graduates yesterday: Dolbnya Anna Alexandrovna (LLC "Agroindustrial Holding Group Lesnaya Dacha"), Zlenko Dmitry Sergeevich (Agricultural Production Cooperative "Plemzavod Second Five-Year Plan"), Nikolaiko Timofey Yurievich (Agricultural Production Cooperative "Plemzavod Second Five-Year Plan"). The training program included the study of regulatory documents on accounting and boning of pedigree dairy cattle, as well as the development of a modern methodology for the organization of an effective system for managing the dairy herd, developed by the creative team of our scientists under the guidance of the rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

The theoretical part of the training was conducted in a well-equipped computer classroom designed to train experts of the Bonus Service in accordance with the recommendations of the International Committee for Registration of Animals (ICAR).

Practical part of the retraining of zootechnicians-breeders of breeding farms took place on the basis of a pedigree reproducer for breeding cattle of the Yaroslavl breed LLC "Khleborob" of the Petrovsky District.

Upon completion of the training, the students were given certificates of state qualification upgrading.

The introduction of innovative developments of scientists of our university is aimed at improving the breeding business, preserving the gene pool of highly productive breeds of farm animals, creating and increasing the competitiveness of the breeding resources of farm animals in the region. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.08.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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