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The postgraduate student of the Agrarian University visited Israel within the framework of expanding professional competences


At the international scientific-practical conference "Poultry Industry. The Poultry Industry and Poultry Processing Industry" (St. Petersburg) in 2017, Professor of the Department of Private Zootechnics, Breeding and Animal Husbandry of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Yelena Eduardovna Epimakhova met one of the leading scientists in the field of bird genetics, a professor at the Jewish University in Jerusalem, the President of Israel World's Poultry Science Association Avangdor Kakhaner. The continuation of the development of business ties was the invitation of the post-graduate student of the faculty of veterinary medicine, Dmitry Zinchenko, to visit Israel.

At the meeting Dmitry gave Avigdor Kakhaner a letter from the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev with a proposal for scientific cooperation between our universities. Professor Kakhaner provided an opportunity for Dmitry Zinchenko to visit the Agricultural Research Organization, The Vulcani Agriculture Institute (Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Agriculture Institute), including aircraft for experiments with birds.

Israel - one of the advanced countries in the field of agriculture, despite the difficult geographical location and extreme weather conditions. This became possible thanks to the introduction of modern technologies, close cooperation of farmers and scientists.

In order to expand his professional competence Dmitry Zinchenko also got acquainted with the activity of the largest in Israel laboratory "Regional Veterinary Laboratory of poultry health", specializing in a comprehensive survey of poultry and poultry products. The head of the laboratory, Dr. Yaniv Fima, described in detail how his department works and what are the most important features in the organization of veterinary control of Israel are most important. Visit to the organization is confirmed by the Certificate.

The most common form of agricultural property in Israel is the kibbutz, whose activities are based on the principles of joint use of property and production facilities. One of Israel's leading kibbutzim "Revadim" specializes in growing turkeys. Annually the enterprise produces more than 35 thousand tons of turkey meat. Veterinary service of this enterprise is occupied by doctor Zohar Geva. He shared with the guest how the plant functions and what features must be taken into account when growing poultry in the extremely hot weather conditions of Israel.

To obtain professional skills in the field of kosher slaughter and processing of poultry Zinchenko, Dmitry passed an internship at the poultry processing complex Maof Maayan Yasca, which has modern equipment for poultry slaughter using kosher technology. In detail about national aspects of slaughter of a bird the expert of enterprise Michael Katz. A thorough multi-step verification ensures high quality of the final product. At the end of the internship Dmitry was awarded the Certificate.

Дата новости для фото:  29.08.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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