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Today is a student of the Agrarian University, tomorrow is a popular specialist!


The Stavropol State Agrarian University celebrated the Day of Knowledge in a large and solemn manner. On the main stage of the university there was a ceremony of dedicating freshmen to students. The young people were led by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Agrarian Affairs Alexei Fyodorovich Lavrinenko and the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev.

From early morning on September 1, Stavropol State Agrarian University was crowded and lively. Festive fuss, sounds of music, mutual greetings, sincere smiles, flowers, balls and bright outfits.

On the stage, to the applause of the participants and guests of the ceremony and the sounds of the student hymn "Gaudeamus" performed by forty soloists of the vocal studios of the University, the university rector rose, accompanied by distinguished guests, pro-rectors and deans.

- It has become a good tradition in our university to hold such a large and solemn Day of Knowledge. Every year on the first of September we take into the ranks of students of yesterday's schoolchildren and open them the embraces of our huge friendly university family - these words Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev opened the holiday of dedication of first-year students to the students of the best agrarian university of the country.

"Today, we have 2,035 first-year students in full-time and part-time forms of study in programs of higher and secondary professional education. Each of you is waiting for an interesting and busy student life!

Newly-registered students this year meet with a special gift - by Nov 2019 we will solemnly open a new ultramodern educational and laboratory building located in the city center along Lenin Street. The new building with a total area of more than 22,000 m2 is designed for 1,780 study places and is built using the latest technology and ergonomic building materials. There is a Library with a huge reading room for 500 seats and four electronic rooms for 240 seats. There are 5 ultramodern lecture audiences and 25 classrooms intended for conducting laboratory and practical classes. There is an Assembly Hall for 800 seats with the world's best acoustics, such as in the Philharmonic Hall after Tchaikovsky! The comfort of staying in this building will go off scale!

In September the most effective in Russia "Student Asset School of the Stavropol State Agrarian University" will hold for the first year students unique leadership workshops, training quests, reveal the secrets of successful image technologies.

In 37 creative branches of the Center for Aesthetic Education of Students, the best leaders will prepare you for victories and participation in international, all-Russian, regional festivals and competitions. In November each of you can show yourself at the festival "Young Talents".

Our university is the only one among the agrarian universities in Russia, where there is a sports student club and there is an opportunity for classes in 28 sports. The first open-air training center in Stavropol was opened in the university. The new academic year will be significant for the development of student sports - we are the first in the province to begin the surrender of the standards Ready for work and defense among students! I also call you to active student life! "The rector concluded the festive speech.

The students of the University congratulated the students warmly on the beginning of the new academic year. Among them - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Agrarian Affairs Aleksey Fyodorovich Lavrinenko, a graduate of our university. In his speech, he noted that the "favorite farm", as he called the alma mater during the student days, has been growing for many decades exclusively among the industry leaders: many current leaders of advanced farms, the chief veterinarians of the country's regions, the first persons of the relevant ministries and departments - his former classmates, who in the same way stood on this square in their time.

And today, the newcomers-agrarians for the first time lit the symbolic Fire of Knowledge and gave the First-year oath.

Dedicated to the students, the rector Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev presented the symbolic Key of Knowledge from the Temple of Education and Science, the Record Book and the Student's Card.

The first minutes of staying in the new status freshmen were dedicated to laying flowers at the monument to students and teachers of the university, who died during the Great Patriotic War in the name of the bright future of the country.

The students' victory parade was followed by representatives of the Agrarian Unified Student Detachment and reported on their achievements as a result of the "Labor Semester" of 2017-2018.

The mechanized squad "Kolos" has threshed more than eight hundred thousand centners of grain not only in the educational and experimental farm of the university, but also in the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the region.

Veterinary detachment "Aibolit" carried out more than four hundred complex diagnostic studies of small domestic animals, performed over a hundred cavitary operations, unit soldiers held a summer "work semester" in one of the leading agricultural holdings of the country for milk production "EkoNiva agro-industrial complex."

Participants of the detachment of leaders "Dream" worked in four children's health camps in Stavropol and Krasnodar regions. In 2018, Detachment "Dream" became the Best Student Detachment in the Stavropol Territory.

The construction detachment "Masterok" was repaired and put into operation more than 9000 square meters of educational, laboratory and residential premises in the buildings and hostels of the University.

The Landscape-Building Squad "Ozelenitel" for the academic year held more than 150 events on the territory of the university and preschool institutions and general educational institutions of the regional center.

Service detachment "Restaurateur" has been practiced in the leading hotel and restaurant complexes of Stavropol, Kuban and the Republic of Crimea.

The unit "Land surveyor" carried out field works with a total area of ​​29 400 hectares, two schemes for the inventory of agricultural land were prepared, thereby earning 405 thousand rubles

The "Financier" team became the winner in the category of the All-Russian contest of specialized detachments of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Volunteer detachment "Tolk" actively participates in city, regional and Russian actions. Our students have proved themselves worthy in the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory, in the city of Moscow, as well as in the work at the World Cup.

Volunteer detachment "Care" oversees 4 children's homes in the Stavropol Territory. During the year 87 volunteer actions were carried out, 26 projects were realized.

The soldiers of the Volunteer Detachment "Volunteer" became the winners of the All-Russian competition "Volunteer Russia-2017". Among the activists of the detachment are winners of the Russian national award "Student of the Year" and holders of the state award "Hot Heart".

Two years ago a public rescue team was established. During the time the soldiers of the detachment participated in the liquidation of emergency situations during the flood in Svetlograd, they were on duty at the rescue facilities in the Republic of Crimea and planted the flag of the university on top of Mount Elbrus.

Having accepted the labor report, the rector invited famous, titled sportsmen of the university to the stage. These are the teams of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in mini-football, freestyle wrestling, weightlifting, women's and men's volleyball, basketball and powerlifting teams.

Athletes were replaced by students of the Center for Aesthetic Education of Students.

The appeared limousine was delivered by Miss Universitet-2018, Miss Student of the Stavropol Territory-2018, student of the Accounting and Finance Department Ksenia Nazarov and Mister University-2018, Mister Students of the Stavropol Territory-2018, Laureate of All-Russian and International Festivals, financial faculty Ruslan Isakov.

According to the tradition of September 1 by the decision of the university administration for the development of student activities, one million rubles was awarded to the student sports club of the university, the student scientific society and the center for the aesthetic education of students.

- Spend this money - we'll give it! Just learn, develop, improve, achieve! Good luck! - concluded Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev solemn event under the stormy applause of its participants. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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