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First-year students of the Accounting and Financial Faculty were assigned to the profession "financier"


September 5 at the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University there was event "Dedication to the profession of a financier" as part of the celebration of the state professional holiday "The Day of the Financier". The students of the first course of the profile "Finance and Credit" were accepted into the ranks of future financiers. The coordinators of the event were the lecturers of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance".

The profession of a financier appeared with the emergence of statehood and, as a consequence, state treasury, which required competent management.

This is one of the most popular professions on the domestic labor market.

Currently, the financial system of Russia employs highly qualified specialists, responsible, conscientious, competent, who solve the most difficult problems and play a very significant role in the modern economy of the country.

It's nice to note that some of them are graduates of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

A financier is one of the most popular directions in the world for preparing students. The demand for this profession has increased in the 21st century. Several hundred universities in the world are busy today with the training of financiers.

The activity of financiers is multifaceted: investment managers, financial and investment analysts, insurance brokers, stock market specialists, asset managers and securities managers, portfolio managers, financial mathematicians and specialists in financial cybernetics. This list can be continued and made almost endless.

The guys who came to our university this summer were slightly excited, because the adult life in the university for them so far seems to be unknown and mysterious. But the trembling inside gave way to concentration and a pleasant expectation of financiers and the song of activists of the Accounting and Financial Faculty about the upcoming profession.

And, of course, the entry into the new stage of the freshmen's life was not without the wise direction of the Dean of the Accounting and Financial Faculty, Doctor of Economics, Professor Kostyukov Elena Ivanovna, who encouraged and motivated young people to study honestly and work hard in the future.

With a welcoming speech addressed to the students curator of the 1 course, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance Business Olga Uglitskikh. During the welcoming speech, the curator noted that the financier is an irreplaceable employee of any organization. Without a competent financier, the successful operation of an enterprise is simply impossible, because finance is the basis of economic activity, and the financier is the person who can manage them. Also, Olga Nikolaevna stressed that the Stavropol State Agrarian University has been successfully preparing cadres in the field of finance for several decades.

The names of successful graduates of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, who hold high positions in the organizations of the Stavropol Territory and the south of Russia, were named.

Representatives of the business community, graduates of the SSAU came to congratulate the future financiers: Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Gubka, senior specialist of the customer service group of the financial corporation "Bank Otkrytiye" and Gladchenko Yana Nikolaevna, direct sales manager of the financial corporation "Bank Otkrytie".

During the event, first-year students showed their knowledge and skills in the field of financial literacy. The holiday ended with the presentation to students of key rings with the emblem and logo of the university and accounting and finance department. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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