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Creative acquaintance


A unique event took place on the territory of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - a photo shoot for freshmen, in which about 700 new students took part.

In such an unusual and fascinating form, the student's asset of the university decided to acquaint freshmen with the history of the university, the administration, interesting objects located on the territory of the university, necessary for beginners in future educational auditoriums, sports grounds, medical center, trade union committee, corps of the institute of additional vocational education and all faculties. Organizers have prepared more than 60 different stations throughout SSAU.

The quest lasted more than four hours, during which the participants searched for different locations and made funny original photos in support of this or that task.

At the end of the photo shoot, winners were identified who took photos in the largest number of stations:

1st place - first and second group of the Economics Faculty;

2 nd place - the seventh group of the Accounting and Financial Faculty;

3 rd place - the first group of Operation and Repair of Agricultural Machinery and Maintenance (9th grade, Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education).

All the participants of the event were unanimous in their opinion that such an unusual cross is a great form for acquaintance with each other, rallying of student collectives, manifestation of team spirit and preparation for further joint tests and important events that await them during their studies. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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