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Financiers-experts disclose the secrets of the profession


In honor of the celebration of the "Day of a financier", the accounting and financial department of Stavropol State Agrarian University has become a traditional platform for meetings of financial experts with young people.

On this day, open lectures and lessons for students are conducted by professionals of the financial market of Stavropol. One of these meetings, organized by the Department of Financial Management and Banking, was held by Deputy Minister of Finance of Stavropol Territory Yury Ivanovich Suslov with students of the Accounting and Finance Department. The event was also timed to the formation of the Ministry of Finance in Russia.

Back in 4 BC, Roman philosopher Seneca said that "money should be managed, not served to." Finance is the basis of any state, the heart of any enterprise and an important factor in the organization of each family. Yuriy Ivanovych told about the policy pursued by the Ministry of Finance of the Krai in the sphere of increasing the financial literacy of the population and managing the public debt, the sources of financing the budget, the risks that arise when attracting loans, and how to manage them. He emphasized that the overall result of the work of organizations, individual industries, and the state as a whole largely depends on the high professionalism and responsibility of financial employees. You need to have a wide variety of knowledge and skills, but one more distinctive feature of this specialist in finance has always been and will be an impeccable reputation and honesty.

During the meeting, students actively asked questions, which confirms the desire of young people for a better understanding of financial instruments and the possibility of their application for personal and business purposes.

Talking about the work of a financier, the Deputy Minister of Finance of Stavropol Territory stressed the listeners' attention to the fact that they are to become active participants in the economic life of the country and our region and each is to make their own contribution. Yuri Ivanovich wished the students success in studies, and professional achievements to his colleagues. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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