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Agrarian University hosted the "Financial Fair"


September 7 at the Accounting and Finance Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University a memorable event was held - "Financial Fair" as part of the celebration of the professional "Day of a Financier". The organizers of the event were the teachers of the department "Financial Management and Banking" and the Department "Finance, Credit and Insurance".

The day of a financier is one of the youngest public holidays, and at the same time it has a solid history.

September 8, 1802, Emperor Alexander I issued a decree on the formation of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Its purpose was to develop the country, to win a worthy place in the world market and to build its own economy.

In 2011, by the Presidential Decree September 8 was officially recognized as the All-Russian Day of a Financier.

And now for 7 years in Russia, the Day of a financier is celebrated widely and loudly. At the governmental level, the best bankers, accountants, auditors, risk managers, business analysts and many other representatives of financial specialties are awarded.

Throughout the country, educational institutions hold an annual "Days of Financial Literacy" event, during which financial experts tell schoolchildren and students how to competently manage financial resources.

"Day of a financier" did not pass by the account-finance department of our university. Since the morning, the Students' Financial Fair was opened in the hall of the Institute of Economics and Finance, where the strategic partners of the faculty were represented: Ministry of Finance of Stavropol Territory, Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of PJSC Sberbank of Russia, Stavropol Regional Branch of JSC Rosselkhozbank, branch of PJSC Promsvyazbank in Stavropol.

The festive event was visited by: Deputy Minister of Finance of Stavropol Territory - Suslov Yuri Ivanovich, Chairman of the South-Western Bank of the PJSC Savings Bank of Russia - Titov Evgeny Viktorovich, as well as heads and employees of the structural subdivisions of the South-Western Bank PJSC Sberbank of Russia, including the manager of Stavropol Branch No. 5230 - Chvanov Alexey Sergeevich, the manager of the Branch on the rights of branches of the Central Branch No. 1806 - Sergei Vladimirovich Kusakin, the head of the department of the organization of crediting to clients of small business of Stavropol Branch No. 5230 - Natalia Amerzaeva, Head of the Planning and Development Department of the South-Western Bank - Alexander V. Laktionov, Head of the Sales and Service Department in the WSP Network of the Rostov Branch No. 5221 - Agamamedova Sabina Vilen-Gyzy, Head of Sales in the WWW Network № 5 / URM_ of Novorossiysk city of Krasnodar branch № 8619 - Kiyashko Elena Sergeevna, deputy department manager on the rights of branches of Rostov branch № 5221 - Salimov Ruslan Rafailevich, business partners Natalia V. Kavitskaya, Natalia V. Voinova, Director of the Lending and Project Financing Department of the South-Western Bank - Mikhail Sergeyevich Yazykov, Director of the Sales Department for large and medium-sized businesses of the South-Western Bank - Lysykh Oleg Igorevich, director of direct sales management of the South-Western Bank - Boretsky Oleg Igorevich, territorial manager of the "Supply" service, URM Rostov-on-Don of the South-Western Bank - Pogrebnyak Andrey Sergeevich, as well as students of all faculties of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Anyone could take part in the celebration. For this, it was necessary to answer quiz questions on the topic of financial literacy. Participants who answered correctly received memorable prizes given by partners of the accounting and financial department.

This event was attended by more than 700 participants, each of whom did not leave without a well-deserved gift!

Дата новости для фото:  10.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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