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Specialists of the Regional Administration of the Federal Treasury shared their experience with students


Within the framework of a series of scientific and educational events dedicated to the Day of the Financier of Russia, September 11, 2018, a guest lecture was held for students of the accounting and financial faculty of the specialty "Economic Security" and the direction "Economics" (profiles "Finance and Credit" and "Accounting, Analysis and Audit ") and the Faculty of Economics (profile" Economics of Enterprises and Organizations ") of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The lecturers of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance Business" and the Office of the Federal Treasury for Stavropol Territory, represented by the Chief Treasurer of the Budget Accounting and Reporting Department for Budget Operations, Alexandra Ivanovna Khomyak, prepared and conducted the event.

Future financiers and economists have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the practical aspects of the activities of the Federal Treasury Office.

The lecture was opened by the professor of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance" Agarkova Lyubov Vasilievna. In her speech, she stressed the relevance of the topic for future economists, which consists, first of all, in the importance of the treasury for the functioning of the national economy. One of the most important mechanisms allowing the state to implement economic and social regulation, the main link of which is the treasury system.

Khomyak Alexandra Ivanovna introduced the history of the formation and development of the treasury system of Russia and the Office of the Federal Treasury in Stavropol Territory to the students, told about the main activities and tasks of the Federal Treasury bodies, especially in terms of control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere and the role of the Treasury in ensuring economic security of the state.

The Chief Treasurer of the Budget Accounting and Reporting Department on Budget Operations shared her experience in using an integrated system for managing national economic security challenges in an innovative economy, which functions thanks to a whole complex of modern information, and telecommunication technologies, software and hardware. They provide the optimization of managerial decisions in relation to specific economic threats of the state.

During the lecture, it was also told about the established system of control over the execution of the budget, which has great socioeconomic and political significance. For a long time, the function of the state budget execution was an important element of state governance, a powerful lever of influence on socio-economic processes. "In the modern world, the budget is not only and not so much an economic basis for the implementation of the traditional functions of the state, but also an important tool of state regulation of the economy," the lecturer-practitioner emphasized.

The students learned about the multifaceted activities of the Treasury of Russia, the role of the service in preserving and improving the efficiency of the use of public finances, that the Russian Treasury is a truly modern, dynamically developing structure that has long been engaged in a much broader range of issues than simply cash servicing of budget execution.

In the nearest plans of the department "Finance, Credit and Insurance" there is further close cooperation with the specialists of the Office of the Federal Treasury for Stavropol Territory, within the framework of which it is planned to conduct field trips for masters and bachelors and go on an excursion to the Museum of the Office. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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