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Students of Agrarian took part in a forum in Rostov


Students of the 3rd year of study of the electric power engineering faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University Kirill Boyko and Kirill Kolesnikov brought their project, which combines fisheries and crop production, to the youth forum of the Southern Federal District "Rostov 2018 - Time of Opportunity".

More than 1,500 young agrarians from Russia, who passed a special competitive selection, gathered in Rostov region. All of them were united by the youth forum of the Southern Federal District "Rostov 2018 - Time of Opportunity", which is located on the territory of the children's health-improving complex "Sputnik" in Neklinovsky district.

This forum is held for young professionals aged 18 to 30 years, whose current or future work is related to agricultural production. The organizers of the event are the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Ros Youth) and the Government of Rostov Region.

Among the participants of the newly launched federal site "Young Agrarians" are students of the 3rd year of study of the Electric Power Engineering Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University Kirill Boyko and Kirill Kolesnikov. They present their innovative "smart farm" project. It is based on a basin working set for sturgeon in closed water supply devices. The design itself is an autonomous installation with a compact smart farm, which allows you to automate the growing of any kind of plant with water, with the addition of essential trace elements. And all this installation can be controlled from a smartphone. Ultimately, this farm will be a separate ecosystem in which it is possible to grow plants, bypassing the step of adding trace elements, since they are already contained in water. And the cost of its maintenance will be 2 times less than that of similar installations in the modern market. The aim of the project is to provide students of agricultural universities with the opportunity to work in the fishing industry.

The work of the site "Young Agrarians" will last until September 15. Scientific and educational seminars, master classes, exhibitions, lectures were prepared for its participants.

During the forum, each participant can present his youth project. In case of victory, federal grants are awarded for a total of three million rubles.

Good luck to our guys! 

Дата новости для фото:  14.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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