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Be a part of the region and Russia


Stavropol state agrarian University is a constant participant of various city and regional events. Volunteers and creative teams of the University always try to help in the organization and implementation of significant events, as students are an integral part of the region and Patriotic education of youth.

Last Friday in the regional capital was held the opening ceremony of light and music fountain, which has no equal in the South of Russia: the height of the fountain jets-30 meters, the diameter of the bowl-37 meters. Eight female sculptures, which represent six republics of the North Caucasus Federal district, Stavropol region and Russia itself, are installed on the fountain.

The program of the festival included the official opening with the participation of the first persons of the region and the city, as well as an entertainment block.

More than a thousand students of Stavropol GAU with flags and symbols of the University became a part of this event.

The celebration was attended by the leadership of our University headed by the rector, Academician of RAS, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, as well as deans of faculties. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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