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Exchange of experience with specialists of Serbia in the field of modern dairy cattle breeding


Fast development of dairy cattle breeding is one of the priority scientific directions in Stavropol State Agrarian University. During 2015-2017, scientists of the University developed a regional system of management of highly productive genetic resources in dairy cattle breeding, aimed at import substitution and implemented taking into account the recommendations of the International Committee for animal registration (ICAR), the methodology of which at our University for the first time in Russia was translated into Russian and adapted in the scientific and educational sphere.

In order to exchange experience in the field of modern dairy cattle, Professors N. Z. Zlydnev and S. A. Oleynik visited the Republic of Serbia, where they got acquainted with the mega-Corporation of PKB, the national laboratory of milk quality assessment, scientists of the agricultural University of Serbia.

An important social outcome of the visit to the Republic of Serbia was the establishment of creative and scientific contacts, which are designed to accelerate the development of national dairy cattle breeding in both countries. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  11

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