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Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University - grant receivers of "Mashuk-2018"


On September 18, the meeting of the competitive commission took place, at which the results were summed up and the winners of the competition of the youth projects of the educational forum "Mashuk-2018" were determined. Nine representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University received grants.

This year the contest of youth projects took place on the shifts "Volunteering" and "Civil Society" of the North Caucasus Youth Educational Forum "Mashuk-2018".

Successfully protected projects and became grantees:

In the amount of 300 000 rubles:

- Anastasia Kutsaeva is a student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources. She presented the "Clean Memory" project. Within the framework of the project, military graves are cleaned every week at Stavropol Danilov Cemetery.

- Kirill Boyko and Bogachenko Olga (students of the electric power and economic faculty) have developed an experimental production of aquaponic cultivation of aqua and agricultural crops "Osetr +". The project is aimed at creating an experimental production on the basis of Stavropol SAU for mastering modern technology and further opening a business.

- Inna Kuliyeva - master of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization received a grant for the project "What do clouds look like?". It is aimed at the rehabilitation of blind and visually impaired children by creating tactile books.

In the amount of 200 000 rubles:

- Genrikh Zatsarin, a student at the Electric Power Faculty, developed the project of the Creative Association "Program - Unite and Improve the World!", aimed at creating psychological, pedagogical and material conditions for the scientific and technological development of urban and rural youth in Stavropol at the age of 12 years and older.

Azamat Edakaev and Igor Devedorkin (Electric Power Faculty) jointly presented the project "Training stands for the progressive cultivation of potatoes", the project aims to create training stands on the basis of Stavropol SAU for growing virus-free seed potatoes through modern means of progressive plant growing.

- Pavel Bogdanov, a student of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, presented the project "Ore fruit crops of the Stavropol Region". It is aimed at involving about 150 young scientists, students and entrepreneurs under the age of 30 working in the agro-industrial complex of the Stavropol Territory in the activities aimed at solving the problem of walnut-farming through the implementation of a set of research and educational activities. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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