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WorldSkills Demonstration Exam


From September 25 to September 28, 2018, the students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine took part in the WorldSkills Demonstration Examination in the competence of R56 Veterinary Medicine, demonstrating their skills and professionalism in three different modules: Microbiology, Veterinary Sanitary Examination, and Clinical Studies.

Demonstration exam by WorldSkills standards is a form of the state final certification of graduates in secondary vocational education programs of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education, which provides for:

- modeling of real production conditions for demonstration by graduates of professional skills;

- an independent expert assessment of the fulfillment of the tasks of the demonstration exam, including by experts from among representatives of enterprises;

- determining the level of knowledge, skills of graduates in accordance with international requirements.

The WorldSkills Russia Demonstration Exam is conducted in order to determine the level of knowledge, skills and skills for students and graduates that allow them to conduct professional activities in a certain field and perform work in a specific profession or specialty in accordance with WorldSkills Russia standards. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  16

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