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Attracting the experience of foreign management for the management of dairy herds of the Stavropol Territory


In the framework of the international seminar "Reproduction of cattle: a new level", organized by LLC "Milk Company" Genetika-Yug "(Krasnodar), Professors of the Faculty of Technological Management of Stavropol State Agrarian University Nikolai Zlyhdnev and Sergey Oleinik got acquainted with modern trends in the American system of management of a dairy herd.

The program of the seminar included the participation of the head of the Dairy Company Sergei Tengizovich Dzhaparidze, the international service manager for the company GENEX (USA) Nika Himaera, the consultant for dairy cattle feeding Neytan Miyushi, and the manager of Beaver Creek Farms (USA) Vadim Bakhchevnikov.

In his introduction, S.T. Dzhaparidze informed the participants of the seminar, which included managers and specialists of enterprises related to management in dairy cattle breeding, about the main directions of the company's work and about the future difficulties in the dairy business associated with increased competition in the world market.

The price policy in the field of purchasing prices for raw milk in the United States is already close to Russian realities, while the productivity of dairy cows is several times higher and often reaches 12-15 thousand liters of milk per cow per year. Sanitary requirements for the quality of milk in the US are much higher than in the Russian Federation. So, the level of somatic cells in milk in American herds is at the level of 150-180 thousand cells / cm3. In addition, according to the current regulatory requirements in the Russian Federation, raw milk with a somatic cell level of up to 750 thousand cells / cm3 is allowed for sale, which makes Russian products uncompetitive compared to overseas farms.

The key moment in V. Bakhchevnikov's speech was the need to maintain a permanent herd structure throughout the calendar year, which allows achieving rhythm of production processes and avoiding unnecessary stress in cows that are sensitive enough and quickly get used to the working routine of the day.

Дата новости для фото:  27.09.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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