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Victory in the Competition of Final Works


Graduates of the Stavropol State Agrarian University won prizes in the All-Russian competition of final qualifying works of bachelors and masters.

Based on the results of the All-Russian competition of final qualifying works of bachelors and masters in the field of Economics, the profile "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", held among agrarian universities, with the support of the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia, graduate of the master's program "Managerial Accounting and Controlling" Stavropol State Agrarian University Alexander Sidorenko took 2nd place. The theme of his work: "Development of the system of accounting and analytical support of economic activity of agricultural organizations in the conditions of inflation" (head - assistant professor of the department "Accounting management accounting" Feskova Marina Viktorovna). A graduate of the accounting and financial faculty Karbashova Anna received a bronze award for her work "Specifics of the formation of the accounting policy of the agricultural organization when paying a single agricultural tax on the example of the agricultural production cooperative" Krasny Manych "of the Turkmen District" (head of the department "Accounting Financial Accounting" Kulish Natalia Valentinovna).

We wish our graduates further scientific victories and new professional achievements! 

Дата новости для фото:  01.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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