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Students' Action "Youth against Drugs"


On September 28, 2018, a series of antinarcotics business games "Youth against Drugs" was held at the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. Students took part in the 4th course "Management", 3-year students of the "State and Municipal Administration" and students of the "Economics" ".

The teachers of the department of "Project Management" prepared and conducted the event together with participants of Volunteer Detachment "Volunteer" of Stavropol State Agrarian University Kuliyeva Inna, Aliferenko Alina, Madina Abdulatipova.

During the action "Youth against Drugs" students expressed their attitude to the addiction. In the live dialogue, the following issues were discussed:

Why people start using drugs;

How can the family affect a drug dependent person?

Whether drug use affects the creative activity of the individual;

What happens to the drug addict as a person;

What are the ways of involvement in drug addiction.

In conclusion, the participants composed an appeal to their peers: "Everyone should realize that his health, life is what he has received from past generations, and what he must give to future generations after a while. Health takes on a new meaning, a person does not have the right to dispose of this gift without thought. Any behavior related to self-destruction is not just dangerous, it is immoral in relation to one's loved ones, their desires to achieve success in life. Remember! Happy addicts do not happen! " 

Дата новости для фото:  01.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  5

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