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Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the International Scientific Conference


Professor Valery Sergeevich Tskhovrebov, Head of the Department of Soil Science named after Professor V. I. Tyulpanov of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, took part in the 2nd International Scientific Conference "The Current State of Black Soil", which was held at the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don. They were presented a report on the topic: "The problem of acidification and alkalinization of the chernozemic soils of Stavropol."From September 24 to September 27, 2018, the 2nd International Scientific Conference “The Current State of Black Soil” was held at the Southern Federal University of Rostov-on-Don.

The event began with a plenary session. It was attended by representatives of academic communities from 14 countries, including Croatia, the United States of America, China, India, Moldova, Turkey, etc.

During the four days of the conference, various issues of soil utilization and improvement were addressed. The main discussions are devoted to soil formation factors in the formation of polygenetic soil cover, the role of soil cover in ensuring the country's food security, aspects of assessment, protection and rational use of soil cover and other topics.

A continuation of the event was the International School-Seminar for Young Scientists “Soil Science and Global Challenges of the Present: Climate Change, Problems of Geo-and Biomedicine, Forensic-Soil Science Expertise”, which was held in the hall of the Academic Council of the Southern Federal University.

Head of the Department of Soil Science named after Professor V. I. Tyulpanov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Tskhovrebov Valery Sergeevich took part in the conference. At the meeting of the section “Natural and anthropogenic factors of soil formation in the formation of polygenetic soil control in the steppe and forest-steppe zones,” Professor V.S. Tskhovrebov presented a report on the theme: “The problem of acidification and alkalization of the Stavropol chernozemic soils”. In his report, the author noted that when black soil is involved in agricultural production, they are mainly acidified. Only in some cases alkalization of the soil is noted in conditions of overwetting or the pH can remain unchanged. It was noted that the pH of carbonate chernozemic soils (southern and ordinary) does not undergo significant changes in arable land compared to the virgin soil for 100-120 years of use. It is necessary to pay attention to the causes of changes in acid-base potential. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  4

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