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Employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University Attended the "Innovative Change - the Transition from Startup Thinking to Managed Innovation"


From September 24 to September 30, in the All-Russian Children's Center “Smena” (Anapa) the “Innovative Shift: Transition from Start-up Thinking to Managed Innovations” was held. The Shift Organizer is the “Association of Accelerators and Business Incubators”. The staff of our university, Sergey Pavlovich Sklyarov, Head of the Research and Development and Technology Transfer Department of the Scientific Innovation Training Center, Head of the Business Incubator of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Alexander Tenischev, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy (responsible for the implementation of the technological course Entrepreneurship), Rusanovsky Evgeny Valerievich - Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of Agroindustrial Complex.

The Association of Accelerators and Business Incubators organized a modular educational program "Innovative Change: the transition from start-up thinking to managed innovation" - for representatives of organizations participating:

1) in the formation of the environment of the birth of innovation,

2) in the creation of innovative communities,

3) accompanied and supported the development and scaling of innovative projects, products, teams, companies, innovative youth student projects.

The goal of the program is to provide a systematic approach with a consistent, harmonious, interconnected understanding of the steps and tasks for building innovative communities, creating projects funnels, talents, teams, building filters through pre-acceleration, project activities, different levels of expertise, choosing models for participating in projects, and developing acceleration programs and programs of business incubation, to the formation of a system of business trackers in the organization, to contribute to improving the survival of projects, their entry into the market (regional, federal, international), the implementation of the outputs of the project.

As part of the educational program, our employees got acquainted with the experience of work: "The Hakaton School" - an express course, a workshop, How to increase the perceived "demand for innovation" (innovation activity) and involvement in innovation, technology in the region among the population, in an educational institution, in community, project expertise, Communication features (formats, styles, platforms): with society, business, government / government, colleagues in the field, pre-acceleration and project activities, forms of project support, work with the ecosystem of innovations.

They presented the experience of our university in innovation, made an interview with regional Mass Media.

According to the results of the participation, the participants received the certificate of the module’s participation (72 hours), the diploma of the organizer Hakaton, the Certificate of successful training “Mind-fitness as a profession of the future”, certificate of the head of the innovation community.

Stavropol State Agrarian University will join the Association of Accelerators and Business Incubators, a memorandum will be signed. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  11

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