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At Stavropol State Agrarian University Was Honoring the Hero of the Day


On October 1, 2018 Dmitriev Anatoly Fedorovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Epizootology and Microbiology, celebrated his 80th birthday.

Trukhachev Vladimir Ivanovich - Rector of the University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Council for Science and Education under the President of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Deputy of the Stavropol Territory, Hero of Labor of Stavropol, Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Stavropol Territory Universities Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Agrarian Universities of the Russian Federation, graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary nd Medicine 1977; Director of the All-Russian Research Institute for Sheep and Goat Breeding, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, graduate of the 1988 Zoo Engineering Faculty Marina Ivanovna; First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory Rudenko Alexey Vasilievich; Director of the Stavropol «Biofactory», Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of 1973, Zierko Viktor Ivanovich; Director of Kropotkin Regional Veterinary Laboratory, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Chernykh Oleg Yuryevich; the head of the research and production laboratory for the diagnosis and prevention of animal brucellosis of the Stavropol Regional Station for Combating Animal Diseases, Arakelyan Petros Karapetovich; representatives of the company “Khiton-Yug” veterinary preparations, graduates of the faculty of veterinary medicine of 2003, Raniuk Dmitry Vladimirovich and Luzganov Sergey Vasilyevich.

Anatoly Fedorovich congratulated the team of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the person of the Dean of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management Valentin Sergeyevich Skripkin and the heads of the departments, as well as active students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

In 1990, Anatoly Fedorovich was elected by competition to the Stavropol Agricultural Institute to head the department of epizootology and microbiology. From February 1991 he headed the faculty of veterinary medicine, which he supervised until 2004, at the same time carrying out the leadership of the department of epizootology and microbiology.

In the course of research and development work, 1 monograph was prepared and published, over 20 textbooks were published, 241 articles were published, of which over 20 were published in editions of the WAC list. Received 10 patents of the Russian Federation and 9 copyright certificates for the invention.

At the new place of work, the creative research and innovative ideas of A.F. Dmitriev, created in the Stavropol region and officially recognized by A.F. Dmitriev “Immunological basis for predicting the viability of young farm animals and preventing infectious diseases”, began to embody the new ideas. It successfully completed and defended 9 doctoral and 18 master's theses.

Currently, his students work at the faculty of veterinary medicine - 2 doctors and 3 candidates of science.

He was awarded: Orders:

* Winner of the competition "GOLDEN SCALPEL" of the Association of Practicing Veterinary Doctors (2008). Medal V.I. Vernadsky for success in the development of domestic science (2009)



* Medal "For achievements in the field of veterinary science" (2008)

* Alfred Nobel Medal for the Development of Invention (2008)

* Medal of the Stavropol Territory "For Valiant Labor of the 3rd Degree" 2008;

* Badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education" (2010)

* Medal of the Stavropol Territory "For Valorous Labor of the 2nd Degree" (2013)

* Medal "For services to the Stavropol Territory (2018) 

Дата новости для фото:  05.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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