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Stavropol State Agrarian University joined the All-Russian action


The All-Russian Economic Dictation is the path to economic culture and financial knowledge necessary for the formation of an active life position.

October 4, 2018 at the regional site of FSBEI HE "Stavropol State Agrarian University" to determine the level of economic literacy of the population as a whole and its individual age and professional groups, develop the intellectual potential of young people, assess economic activity and economic literacy of the population of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation in two 147 students in grades 9-11 of educational institutions of secondary general and vocational education in the city of Stavropol and 128 students in undergraduate and graduate institutions of higher education the edge of the capital, the city of 18 teachers of higher educational institutions took part in the annual All-Russian educational action - National Economic dictation on "A strong economy - prospering Russia!" under the auspices of the Free Economic Society. Dictation is presented in the form of testing on key issues of economic development at the micro, macro and world levels. The results of the Dictation will be published on the website of the Free Economic Society after October 16, 2018, and participants who score more than 80 points from its results will be invited to participate in the final of the All-Russian project “Festival of Economic Science”.

We wish all participants of the All-Russian action on the theme “A strong economy - a prosperous Russia!”

We wish all participants high results!

Дата новости для фото:  06.10.2018 18:45:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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